

This category contains 2 posts

The Secret Life of Me

I was all set to do a post of my triumphant return run (40 minutes of nonstop running after a two week break) or about the gorgeous spring sunshine that makes me smile (complete with pictures) or the fact that getting a wisdom tooth pulled turned out to be not a big deal of any … Continue reading

KT Magic and the Weekend Breakast

I’m compiling my shopping list for next week and waiting for the rain to ease up a bit before heading out for my Sunday recovery run. This is the first time all weekend I’ve had a moment to breathe really. Let’s look at Saturday. Now, The Plan called for a 13km run. But I really … Continue reading

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Running for Myself

... because that's the only way to do it

Marc Hemingway

Trying to keep track of my life (and my life on track)

The Princess and the Jog

If the running shoe fits

Run Don't Run

Sometimes running, sometimes not


running blog

278 to Boston

In July 2011, I weighed 278 lbs. On Mar 12, 2013 I made the decision to qualify for the Boston Marathon. This was my journey. Now I'm a recovering alcoholic, this is my new journey. I'm still running a marathon, just a different type.

The Way I Run My Life

Running, living, things I love

Counting On Health

from 1 to 100

See Teacher Run...

... because that's the only way to do it

Mama On A Mission

My mission to make my life great!


n. frugality; the quality of being economical with money or food.


Whether you run for fun, run to lose weight, run so you can enjoy those beers, run because you can't swim or run for time. The best way to accomplish this is to just run faster.